发布时间:2021年01月19日 09:39 点击数:

张苏娟 助理教授 硕士生导师

2138cn太阳集团古天乐土木工程系 工程管理方向










英国雷丁大学Reading University建筑环境学院,访问交流学者,2019



天津大学文法学院 英语专业(辅修,英语专四专八),文学学士,2009-2012






1. BIM情境下业主项目管理能力成熟度模型及提升路径研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目,721012202022-012024-12,在研主持)

2. BIM技术驱动下的建筑企业能力提升及优化策略研究(福建省自然科学基金青年项目,在研主持)

3. 基于“BIM+”理念的建筑企业数字化转型和低碳化发展路径研究(厦门市建设系统科技计划项目,主持)

4. 数字化转型背景下全过程工程咨询服务模式探索及项目能力提升研究(横向项目,主持,2023-062024-12

5. Bridging the BIM gap: Investigating the transition towards BIM compliance among general contracting SMEs (香港RGC General Research Fund项目,17206717,项目主持人:Dr. Roine Leiringer2018-012020-12);参与

6. 海外重大基础设施运营维护供应链管理和风险控制(国家自然科学基金重点项目,72031008,项目主持人:张水波教授;2021-012025-12);参与

7. 重大工程项目风险识别、度量与控制的理论与方法研究(国家自然科学基金重点项目, 71231006,项目主持人:陈勇强教授;2013-012017-12);参与


[1] Sujuan Zhang* and Graham Winch. (2023). Procuring Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships: Capability Development and Learning from an Owner Perspective. Construction Management and Economics. [accepted]

[2] Roine Leiringer and Sujuan Zhang*. (2021). Organisational Capabilities and Project Organising Research. International Journal of Project Management, 39(5), 422-436.

[3] Yuanyuan Hua, Fei Kang, Sujuan Zhang*, and Jiyu Li. (2022). Impacts of Task Interdependence and Equivocality on ICT Adoption in the Construction Industry: A Task-Technology Fit View. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. 10.1080/17452007.2021.2020084

[4] Sujuan Zhang and Zhichao Xu*. (2022). Governance for Principal-Principal Relationship in Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships: A Case Study in China. Journal of Management in Engineering, 38(3): 05022005.

[5] Graham M. Winch, Dongping Cao, Eunice Maytorena-Sanchez, Jeff Pinto, Natalya Sergeeva, Sujuan Zhang. (2021). Operation Warp Speed: Projects responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Project Leadership and Society, 2, 100019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plas.2021.100019

[6] Sujuan Zhang, Yafan Fu, and Fei Kang*. (2018). How to Foster Contractors’ Cooperative Behavior in the Chinese Construction Industry: Direct and Interaction Effects of Power and Contract. International Journal of Project Management, 36(7), 940-953.

[7] Wenxue Lu, Yuanyuan Hua, Sujuan Zhang* (corresponding author). (2017). Logistic Regression Analysis for Factors Influencing Cost Performance of Design-bid-build and Design-Build Projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(1), 118-132.

[8] Wang Chunmei, Xu Bingbing, Zhang Sujuan* (corresponding author), Chen Yongqiang. (2016). Influence of Personality and Risk Propensity on Risk Perception of Chinese Construction Project Managers. International Journal of Project Management, 34(7), 1294-1304.

[9] Yong Qiang Chen, Sujuan Zhang, Li Sha Liu, Jia Hu*. (2015). Risk Perception and Propensity in Bid/No-bid Decision-making of Construction Projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 22(1). 2-20.

[10]Sujuan Zhang, Yong Qiang Chen, Hui Sun*. (2015). Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management Styles, and Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study of Chinese Employees. International Journal of Conflict Management, 26(4). 450-478.

[11]张苏娟,王菲,周红,花园园. 我国建筑信息模型(BIM)政策文本内容分析研究 ——基于政策工具视角[J]. 土木工程与管理学报. [已录用]

[12]冯卓,张苏娟,崔欣然,贾贺婷. 华东院:勇立潮头敢为先,数字转型正当时. 案例编号STR-1698


[1] Sujuan Zhang*, Kwadwo Oti-Sarpong, Roine Leiringer. (2021). Evolution of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Policy: The Case of Hong Kong. CRIOCM Conference 2021, November 20-21, Beijing, China.

[2] Kwadwo Oti-Sarpong, Roine Leiringer, and Sujuan Zhang (2020). A Critical Examination of BIM Policy Mandates: Implications and Industry Reponses. Construction Research Congress (CRC) 2020, 8-10 March, Tempe, Arizona, United States.

[3] Jiang, Xinkuan and Zhang Sujuan* (corresponding author). (2018). The Effect of Contract Control on Contractor’s Cooperative Behavior: the Moderating Role of Owner Power, In: Chau K., Chan I., Lu W., Webster C. (eds) Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6190-5_124, pp. 1407-1417. [Conference chapter; EI index]

[4] Zhang, Sujuan and Leiringer, Roine (2018). Learning Mechanisms and Commercial Capability Development from the Project Owner Perspective. In Proceedings 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Belfast, UK. ARCOM.

[5] Zhang, Sujuan and Leiringer, Roine (2018). Owner Commercial Capabilities in Chinese Construction Practice. In B. Franz and I. Kovacic (Eds) Working paper proceedings of 16th Engineering Project Organization Conference. June 25-27, Brijuni, Croatia. pp. 495-511.

[6] Zhang, Sujuan and Leiringer, Roine (2016) Owner Project Capabilities in Infrastructure Projects: Unpacking Commercial Capabilities. In: P W Chan and C J Neilson (Eds.) Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ARCOM Conference, 5-7 September 2016, Manchester, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Vol 1, 185-194.

[7] Zhang, Sujuan, Cui, Yang and Chen, Yongqiang (2014). Risk Propensity, Risk Perception, and Risk Behavior of Project Managers: A Conceptual Model. PMI Research & Education Conference, 27-29 July 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA. (poster presentation).

[8] Zhang Sujuan, Chen, Yongqiang and Fu, Yongchen. (2013). Risk Attitude of Chinese Contractors in Bid/No bid Decision-making of International Projects: A Preliminary Study. In: Smith, S D (Ed.) and Ahiaga-Dagbui, D D (Ed.), Proceedings 29th Annual ARCOM Conference, 2-4 September 2013, Reading, UK, ARCOM., 1159-1169.

[9] Fu, Yongchen., Chen, Yongqiang., and Zhang, Sujuan. (2013). Empirical Study on the Relationship between Owner-Contractor Conflict and Schedule Performance in Design-Bid-Build Projects. ICCREM 2013: pp. 389-402.



International Journal of Project Management, Project Management Journal, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, International Journal of Conflict Management, International Journal of Construction Management等国际期刊审稿人



教学比赛:厦门大学第十一届英语教学比赛 二等奖,最佳教学设计奖

指导学生参加比赛:第一届全国建设类院校BIM数字工程技能创新大赛全国总决策;四创科技杯第十一届海峡两岸信息服务创新大赛暨福建省第十五届计算机软件设计大赛 数字工程咨询(BIM技术)应用,晨曦科技专题1 高校类别;第一届福建省大学生BIM及招投标应用创新大赛等


[1]  张苏娟, 李翔, 向立群. 基于BIM+理念的建筑业新工科复合型人才培养策略[C]//全国高等学校建筑类专业教学指导委员会,建筑学专业教学指导分委员会,建筑数字技术教学工作委员会.数智赋能:2022全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学与研究学术研讨会论文集.华中科技大学出版社,2022:5.DOI:10.26914/c.cnkihy.2022.051981.
